How Many Windows Should a Bedroom Have

How Many Windows Should a Bedroom Have?

How many windows should a bedroom have? Building a house is one thing but adding rooms to it is another thing. A house without room is definitely not meant for living, therefore may not be considered a valid house for human habitation.

A house is valid if it has adequate rooms including other things that qualify a building to be called a house. It’s not about how beautiful the building is, rather about how well the building and its interiors are. The interiors in this case are the windows, doors, and many more.

However, the question now is, how many windows should a bedroom have?

A bedroom should have at least one window depending on the position of the room. If the bedroom is in a position where it can have two windows, then the homeowner should go ahead with two windows, but if it’s not, the homeowner should install one large window for the bedroom.


A bedroom is a room in a house where people sleep. It doesn’t matter whether the house is a mansion, a hotel, palace, dormitory, or even a duplex, a bedroom is a bedroom and will always be where people sleep.

There are different types of bedrooms. Of course, all bedrooms are not the same. Some are better than others in terms of interior design. Trust me, some bedrooms are too luxurious.

However, there is a master bedroom which comprises of both bathroom and toilet and a standard bedroom without toilet and bedroom. Master bedroom is common these days as it is more convenient than the standard bedroom.

Bedroom Window

How Many Windows Should a Bedroom Have

Every room in a house is mandated to have a window as long as that room is meant for human habitation. There is no room without one or two windows which ascertained the importance of windows in every bedroom, be it a master bedroom or not.

A bedroom window is necessary for proper ventilation. Even if you decide to install a fan in your room. That does not mean the room should not have a window.

How Many Windows Should a Bedroom Have

A bedroom should have one or two windows depending on the position of the room. Some rooms can be in a position whereby there will no space for two windows, then one large window should be installed.

For example, I have only one window in my room while my neighbors have two windows in their bedrooms. My flat is in the center of the apartment thereby making it impossible for me to have double windows in my bedroom as there is no space for it to fit.

Because my neighbor’s flats are the first and last you will see in the house, they have two windows in their bedrooms because there is enough space for that.

However, it is important to note that choose the number of windows to have in your bedroom is not entirely a personal preference. It is something that is first determined by the position of the room.

There is no way you can add two windows in a room where there’s only space for one window. No matter how hard you prefer and desire two windows in the bedroom, you will have to let go of the preference and follow the reality.

However, in a situation whereby there is enough space for one or two windows, this is where your personal preference comes into place. You will now be the one to decide whether to have one or two windows. In all, a bedroom should have at least one or two windows.

Advantages of Bedroom Window

Good Daylighting

With the help of a window in your bedroom, a good amount of light will enter the bedroom. The disadvantage of a room without good daylighting is nothing to write home about. Your room will always be dark and that can bring a negative vibe.

The window is necessary to allow daylight inside your room which will in turn help reduce stress. With that, you are certain to do things well.

Good Vibe and Good View

As reiterated earlier, windows in the bedroom can give a good vibe especially when you are staying in a friendly environment. It’s weird for me to say that but it is true; a friend may visit your house and sneak in through the window.

Moreover, you can from the window see things happening outside the building which is very refreshing especially when you are all living alone. You can from your window have a quality conversation with a friend who is walking by.

For Proper Ventilation

You need windows in your bedroom for proper or adequate ventilation. You don’t want to sleep in a room that is always locked all the time. Even if you have other means of ventilation in your room, windows are still needed. Sometimes, you may just want to open the window for fresh air.

Things to Consider Before Deciding How Many Windows to have in your Bedroom

Here are the things you have to know before deciding the number of windows you want to have in your bedroom. This factor applies to both the master bedroom and standard bedroom.

The Position of the Room

Like I said earlier, the position or direction of the room is the number one factor to consider before making a decision. The position of the room determines the directions to place the window. This is because even if you decide to have two windows in your bedroom and the position of the room requires only one window, you have no other choice but to put one window; in this case, you can make the window to be a large one.

Building Code

Verify if there is any building code in your area demanding some specific type of window or ventilation for the bedroom. For example, some building codes may require that a room should have at least 15% of the room’s carpet area ventilation. Peradventure the bedroom is 10 by 12 (120sft), the code requires an 18sft size opening. So, try and verify if there any code for bedroom windows in your area.

The Exterior Design of the House

Before installing a window in your bedroom, make sure to consider how it will make your building look. This will help you make a proper decision about the type and size of the window to install in your bedroom.

The Amount of Daylighting

You have to consider the level of daylighting you need in your bedroom before making space for a window. The fact remains that, the larger the window, the larger the amount of daylighting you will get inside your room.

The Level of Ventilation Required

It’s important to consider the level of ventilation you need in your room while doing your respective private and personal things. As I said earlier, the wider the window, the larger the air that flows inside the room when the window is open.

Your Neighbourhood

Before installing any window in your house, verify if you are mandated by code to install some specified type of window in the bedroom. You should consider whether your bedroom and window are directly facing the street.

Bedroom Window Position and Direction

When making plans for windows in your bedroom, note that the window should not be positioned or directed in a place where it will excessively expose the person using the bedroom.

However, in a situation whereby the position of the window falls to the place where it will expose the owner of the room or when it falls right there in the street, you are advised to make the window a small one to avoid what I called ‘see finish’.

Moreover, you should also consider placing your bedroom window in an area where it is easy for one to escape in case there is an emergency. Peradventure the building catch fire, someone can enter the room from the window with the use of a ladder to save the person inside.

Also, should in case there is a fire in the building, a ladder can be provided for the affected people to come down with through the window.

Bedroom Window Size and Height

A bedroom window is supposed to be 24 inches by 36 inches (61cm by 91.44cm). It is important to enquire from a professional house engineer or a contractor in your area about the window size and height required in your area.

Final Thoughts

You can choose to have one or two windows in your bedroom as long as the position of the room gives you the required space to do so.