What Can You Flush Down The Toilet?

What Can You Flush Down The Toilet?

What you can flush down the toilet and what you cannot flush down the toilet is something you should know to avoid flushing what you shouldn’t flush down the toilet and risking damaging your septic system.

However, the question is, what can you flush down the toilet?

Toilet paper and body waste/fluids are the two things that are to be flushed down the toilet because toilet paper and body waster dissolve very quickly while traveling down the sewage pipes. Aside from toilet paper and body waste, no other thing is safe to be flushed down the toilet to avoid clogging your drain pipes.

This is to say that if you have been flushing other things other than the tissue paper and body waste down the toilet, you have been doing all wrong this while, and it’s the right time to call it a quit or suffer the consequences. Plumbing hookups are expensive these days.

Almost everyone is a culprit of flushing things that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. As a child growing up, I wasn’t aware of all the things that should not be flushed down the toilet. But I was aware that something strong should not be flushed to avoid blocking the sewage pipes.

Even to this day, grown-up men and women that should have known better still flush things like condoms down the toilet. Who told you the condoms can be flushed down the toilet?

Some even go to the extent of flushing their hair down the toilet. These are non-degradable materials that don’t dissolve. When flushed down the toilet, you are risking your drain pipes. It’s only a matter of time, you will eventually see what you have done.

What Can You Flush Down the Toilet?

Here is the list of things that can be flushed down the toilet:

1. Toilet Paper

Toilet papers are products made to be used when cleaning the anus after visiting the toilet. Apart from cleaning the anus, there are various other things we can do with toilet paper, such as cleaning the private parts area after urinating.

However, amongst the two things permitted to be flushed down the toilet, toilet paper is one of them and the reason is not far fetched.

Toilet papers are made with materials that are soft enough to dissolve even before it gets flushed down the toilet. And when it gets down the septic tank, it will decompose. This means that toilet paper cannot only dissolve, it can also decompose after it has been flushed down your toilet. This is why it is one of the safest things to flush down your toilet to keep your drain pipes safe.

Sometimes, people tend to wrap something in toilet paper and flushed it down the toilet. A perfect example of this is condoms. People sometimes wrap condoms in toilet paper and flush them down the toilet. I like using a condom as an example because most people are guilty of this. If you are not, your boyfriend, girlfriend, child, children may be guilty of it.

When you wrap something strong like a condom inside a toilet paper before flushing it down the toilet, the toilet paper will dissolve on the way, leaving behind the condom which may get stuck on your drainpipe, holding onto other things that are flushed down the toilet. In no time, it will narrow the pipe and makes it hard for waste and water to easily pass.

This is to say that the fact that you wrapping something in toilet paper before flushing is not a guarantee that the thing will get flushed down or decompose. The toilet paper may dissolve while traveling down the sewage pipe leaving behind whatever you hide inside it.

2. Body Waste

Body waste is another thing that is safe to be flushed down the toilet because it can easily dissolve when traveling down the drain pipes. Even if they don’t, they will eventually dissolve anyway. In fact, body waste is what the toilets are made for, so it is safe to flush them down the toilet.

Body waste can be poop, urine, semen or sperm, blood, sweat, etc. Even if you hide a poop inside a toilet paper before flushing it down the toilet, it will eventually dissolve down there.

Reason Why You Should Only Flush Toilet Paper and Body Waste Down the Toilet?

The reason why you should not flush other things other than toilet paper and body waste down the toilet is to avoid clogging your toilet. When you flush a substance that cannot dissolve quickly to pass through the toilet, it will get the toilet clogged and you will spend money fixing it.


Can Rice be Flushed Down the Toilet?

Rice should not be flushed down the toilet because when you flush rice down the toilet, it can bloat with water and may clog your pipe. Rice is very soft and small especially when cooked. Yet, it is not safe to flush it down the toilet to avoid clogging your drain pipes.

By the way, why would anyone flush rice down the toilet?

Can I Put Coffee Grounds Down the Toilet

No, you should not. coffee grounds are not safe to be flushed down the toilet because they may clump and settle which can in no time lead to buildups and clog your toilet drain pipes.

What Not to Flush Down the Toilet

Here is the list of the things that should not be flushed down the toilet:

  • Condom: People do this all the time and it’s not good. Imagine flushing 6 used condoms in a day, in no time, it will clog your toilet.
  • Paper Towel: Even though paper towel is made of paper, yet, the paper towel should not be flushed down the toilet because it is hard to dissolve.
  • Napkins: Please do not flush napkins down the toilet, it will not dissolve easily.
  • Dental Floss: This can clog your toilet drains when flushed.
  • Diapers: If you have been flushing diapers down the toilet before, call it a quit today to avoid a story that touches
  • Cigarette Buds: This may clog your toilet. Dispose them in the waste bin.
  • Menstrual Product: This is another product that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. This is because, when you flush them down the toilet, instead of dissolving and decomposing, they will absorb water and expand which is bad for your drain pipe.
  • Cotton Buds: In fact, any cotton products should not be flushed down the toilet.
  • Pills and Medications: Do not flush our old pills down. It may not clog your toilet but will cause toxicity to the environment.
  • Hair: I’m begging you in the name of your loved one, please do not flush hair down the toilet anymore. You are doing more harm than good to the sewage pipes. Even if it’s armpit hair, hair shaved off of the private area, do not flush them down the toilet.
  • Food: Food of all kinds is another thing that should not be flushed down the toilet. Please take note of this.
  • Kleenex: This is another thing you should avoid flushing down the toilet. On no account should you flush kleenex down your toilet drain to avoid saying had I known at the end?


It is important to always do the right thing at the right time to avoid stories that touch. Plumbing hookups are quite expensive nowadays. Imagine how much it will cost you to fix your clogged toilet. Therefore, stop flushing things that are supposed to be flushed down the toilet and save yourself the expenses.